to Studio Dental Arts, where modern biological dentistry meets whole-body wellness! If you're passionate about health or are searching for solutions to mystery illnesses that may be linked to dental issues, we invite you to explore our innovative approach.
Our practice
is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal oral and overall health, preventing future disease, and addressing the root cause of many chronic conditions.
Take the first step toward healing by contacting us today — we’re here to guide you on your journey to wellness.
We provide:
- Biological and holistic dentistry,
- Personal and functional dentistry,
- Specialty dentistry, including biological oral surgery,
- Family dentistry,
- and many more health-oriented services.
Going to the dentist should be enlightening, uplifting, and all about health. That's why we're committed to sharing knowledge that connects science to health and happiness. We think you'll love your experience and hope you'll be inspired for life!
Our Team

Future Dr. Gazarian :)

Our Team

Brothers <3

The Biological Approach
Making healthy choices in life is more vital and yet more challenging than ever. Today, we're exposed to more environmental toxins, depleted nutrients, and damaged genetics than we were just a few short years ago. As a result, many of us need to fight hard to stay healthy, and we expect the healthcare system to help us navigate modern hurdles. But has the healthcare system evolved to meet our current needs?
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One of the most important features of biological dentistry is the meticulous safety protocol for removal of metals and neurotoxic mercury found in dental fillings. Removing amalgam fillings "the regular old way" leads to dramatic mercury exposure, which is why the IAOMT has developed rigorous safety standards.
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Fluoride is yet another toxin that can have dramatic effects on nearly every part of the human body. The potential for harm has been clearly established in scientific research. For example, fluoride:
• inactivates 62 enzymes,
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Ozone is nature's magical antibiotic that has surprising healing effects on teeth and oral tissues. In biological dentistry, ozone is used to heal dental decay, treat sensitivity, treat gum disease, encourage healthy bone growth, treat infections, prevent cavities, and even save nerves from the all-too-common root canal treatment.
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In an effort to best help you achieve your health goals, we provide concierge billing services for PPO insurance plans.
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The dental office has always been one of the safest places due to aseptic standards. A biological office is even safer with strict awareness of toxins, microbes, and air quality.
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Oral Surgery

Biological oral surgery addresses hidden, chronic dental sources of infection and is a critical part of the biological journey. We provide meticulous guidance and services ranging from PRF to ozone to ensure true healing and cavitation-free results.
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Healthy Teeth
Optimal dental health is a critical part of wellness, happiness, and beauty. For some, achieving and maintaining that excellent level of health comes easily and naturally.
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Healthy Body
It’s all connected. Health is one big circle — because inflammation in one location is inflammation everywhere. Toxins anywhere cause damage everywhere.
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The Biological Approach
Making healthy choices in life is more vital and yet more challenging than ever. Today, we're exposed to more environmental toxins, depleted nutrients, and damaged genetics than we were just a few short years ago. As a result, many of us need to fight hard to stay healthy, and we expect the healthcare system to help us navigate modern hurdles. But has the healthcare system evolved to meet our current needs?
Natural remedies were once common knowledge. Today they're a lost art, or worse, old wive's tales replaced by pharmaceuticals aimed at masking symptoms. Dentistry is no exception to this trend. The industry has forgotten that dental health comes from within. The modern convenience of superficial remedies has made biology nearly obsolete. Is this really helping us? I think it's time to go back to a natural approach.
Today, popular belief would explain cavities away as normal. Needing a new filling every once in a while might not seem like a "big deal". Perhaps you've experienced something similar with gum disease and the need for repeated "deep cleanings" every few years. This perpetual cycle of disease and treatment has become the norm for dentistry. It's disheartening, and our healthcare really needs to be enhancing our health instead of covering up symptoms.
Conventional dentistry focuses mostly on dental esthetics and function. So if it looks good and chews well, then it's a job well done. That's great, but what if that dental work has an unseen negative effect on our health? We all deserve to be thoroughly informed with respect to all health disciplines whether it's western, eastern, functional, or allopathic. Nobody would choose toxic dentistry, so why are so many still receiving it?
It's important to recognize that dental diseases like cavities and gum disease are signs of a deeper issue. Treating these signs (with endless dental work) may fix the problem on the surface but fails to address the cause. This is why it repeats. The key to health is a deeper look into the forgotten causes of disease (a functional view). A comic strip once joked about a lesson learned in medical school where, "A cured patient is a lost customer." We can do better.
The truth is, cavities and gum disease are not random inconveniences. They are neither natural nor a result of "bad luck" or "bad genes." It's a myth that "everyone gets cavities" or "everyone's gums bleed," and it would be a mistake to trivialize these signs and ignore their root causes. Cavities and gum disease warn us about physiologic and metabolic problems like vitamin deficiencies, pH imbalance, restricted airways, toxins, oxidative stress, or gut dysbiosis. Treating the teeth holistically requires an awareness of those deeper issues, their interconnectedness, and their effect on health and dental health. The wonderful result of overall health is that cavities and gum disease magically disappear.
With biological dentistry, our purpose is to create an opportunity where together we can easily understand and tweak these important connections that have been hidden from traditional view. This is why our focus is on education. With knowledge comes the ability to control cavities and gum disease, prevent them, and finally eradicate them. Because, if you have dental problems, you may also have nutritional or metabolic problems that are causative factors in almost all other systemic disease like heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Shedding light on this connection is fundamental to our mission and critical to achieving the bliss of happy longevity that we all strive for.
Biological dentists and patients appreciate the value of true health. In fact, it's our passion and it defines our vision. Together we are trying to make biological dentistry the new norm. You shouldn't have to worry about exposure to toxins like mercury, fluoride, or BPA. You shouldn't feel like you're "in the dark" about cavities, gum disease, autoimmune disease, or any disease. You should not have to worry about whether your dentistry is compromising your health. Biological dentistry makes no compromises. It focuses on the true causes of disease — both dental and systemic — and helps address them by putting control back in your hands. In this way, it's an entirely deeper and more comprehensive approach to the connection between the mouth, the mind, and the body.
Our young ones deserve the best possible chance for proper growth and development. The younger one starts on this journey, the greater the opportunity to learn and preserve health. This is why we love to see children and provide that healthy start. But regardless of your age or dental history, it will be our genuine joy to help you course-correct your dental destiny and guide you on this life changing journey no matter where you currently are on this path. Simply call us to learn more and setup your first Biological Consultation. We'll help you unlock your body's potential. It's fun, it's easy, and it's uplifting. Seeing a biological dentist is one of the best things you can do for your health!
For more information, you can read about the specifics in biological dentistry or about its philosophy.

One of the most important features of biological dentistry is the meticulous safety protocol for removal of metals and neurotoxic mercury found in dental fillings. Removing amalgam fillings "the regular old way" leads to dramatic mercury exposure, which is why the IAOMT has developed rigorous safety standards. Based on up-to-date scientific research, the SMART protocol reduces the potentially devastating effects of mercury to patients, dentists, office staff, and others during dental procedures.
Our office is SMART-certified for safe removal, and of course we are mercury-free. We employ numerous enterprise-grade mercury traps and filters for a safe office with very strict adherence to all safety procedures. We hate mercury very, very much and spend great efforts to ensure that nobody is unnecessarily exposed to mercury in our office. More details are available on our SMART Protocol page.
Disclaimer: The ADA maintains the position that mercury-amalgam fillings are safe and effective.

Fluoride is yet another toxin that can have dramatic effects on nearly every part of the human body. The potential for harm has been clearly established in scientific research. For example, fluoride:
• inactivates 62 enzymes,
• accellerates the aging process,
• disrupts the immune system,
• inhibits the thyroid gland,
• lowers IQ,
• weakens bones and leads to arthritis and osteoporosis,
• causes increased lead absorption,
• and causes genetic damage.
Fluoride is commonly touted as "safe and effective," but it's neither. In fact, hydrofluorosilicic acid:
• is extremely toxic industrial waste,
• has absolutely no benefit to humans,
• has cummulative detrimental effects, and
• is being added to our tap water.
Based on clear and truthful science, our office has taken the important position of being fluoride-free. Our dental materials are fluoride-free including fillings, polishing paste, and anything used for treating or preventing sensitivity or cavities. Even our water is fluoride-free — both drinking water and the water in our dental chairs.
Disclaimer: The ADA maintains the position that fluoride safely reduces the risk of cavities.

Ozone is nature's magical antibiotic that has surprising healing effects on teeth and oral tissues. In biological dentistry, ozone is used to heal dental decay, treat sensitivity, treat gum disease, encourage healthy bone growth, treat infections, prevent cavities, and even save nerves from the all-too-common root canal treatment.
In a biological dental office, ozone is routinely used during fillings, crowns, and cleanings to keep teeth, nerves, roots, and gums healthy. It can even be used to mitigate some of the harmful effects of root canal treated teeth if you already have any.
Ozone is one of the most important tools in biological dentistry and oral surgery. We couldn't achieve biological results without it.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

In an effort to best help you achieve your health goals, we provide concierge billing services for PPO insurance plans.
We have extensive experience with almost all insurance companies. Quality group plans from Aetna, Cigna, MetLife, Delta, Guardian, United Concordia, EBA&M, and several others tend to offer very good reimbursement rates. We are "out-of-network" with all insurance plans which enables us to provide uncompromised services to you while keeping costs and fees to a minimum. Please note that as of 1/1/2023, Delta Dental has made a major policy change that may affect you.
The successful application of biological dentistry depends on a practice built on a patient-centered model. Therefore insurance companies cannot be allowed to dictate or even influence the care we provide. At the same time, we understand how important finances can be and will do all the leg work to help you receive the benefits your insurance company provides.
Be aware that insurance plans will often encourage you to find an in-network dentist to minimize their expenses. However, know that most plans pay a higher amount when out-of-network which can help you obtain better services at lower costs. This is bad for insurance companies, good for you, and allows us to deliver the quality care you deserve.

The dental office has always been one of the safest places due to aseptic standards. A biological office is even safer with strict awareness of toxins, microbes, and air quality.
Years before "COVID," our office was outfitted with industrial-grade air purifiers that use filters and ultraviolet light to "surgically clean" the air we breath by eliminating bacteria, viruses, and toxins. In addition, all routine disinfection products we use have always been not only bio-friendly, but extremely effective against all coronaviruses. So we've always been "COVID-ready."
Our office is our second home, and nobody, including staff, or patients are allowed entry if ill with any respiratory or infectious disease. Health and safety for everyone is always our top priority.
During the height of the COVID "pandemic," many corporations and small businesses chose to express their political beliefs in their workplace policies. As an alternative dental office, our approach has always been to avoid politics in healthcare, and instead respect truth, science, nature, and freedom.
Oral Surgery

Biological oral surgery addresses hidden, chronic dental sources of infection and is a critical part of the biological journey. We provide meticulous guidance and services ranging from PRF to ozone to ensure true healing and cavitation-free results.
You may have read about the importance of "removing the ligament" when extracting a tooth. We do that, and much more.
The biological protocol is what makes biological oral surgery different than regular oral surgery. In fact, it's a crucial component of the process. It's a combination of treatment techniques, treatment sequencing, and personal health. When applied carefully, healthy and optimal results are predictably achieved. Often, diet changes or supplements can make a dramatic difference. Your first consultation will make the biological protocol clear and easy so that you may enjoy great surgical outcomes for life-long health.

From ceramic implants to porcelain inlays, a metal-free mouth is critical to overall health.
Metal leads to a long list of esoteric issues like brain-fog and EMF sensitivity by way of galvanism, electrical fields, and corrosion. In addition, metal blocks the flow of energy through teeth along the meridians, leaches into lymph and saliva, can cause "leaky gut," autoimmune issues, and compromise your detox pathways.
Where metal already exists, it should be removed safely using SMART. Achieving a metal-free mouth often leads to immediate and dramatic health benefits. It's an often-ignored but critical component to healthy, life-long wellness.
Healthy Teeth
Optimal dental health is a critical part of wellness, happiness, and beauty. For some, achieving and maintaining that excellent level of health comes easily and naturally. But, for others, it can sometimes seem difficult, expensive, or overwhelming. The truth is, it doesn’t have to be. We do it every day. We take something that seems daunting and create a clear, easy, and affordable plan of action. It’s actually simple. Here's how:
- Education: by empowering you with knowledge, you control your own dental destiny.
- Teamwork: by focusing on what’s best for YOU, you become the team leader.
- Science: we use techniques that are supported by science, not politics.
The two main dental problems we battle on a daily basis are cavities and gum disease. In this fight, there’s good news and bad news. The bad news is:
- 92% of adults (ages 20 to 64) have had cavities in their permanent teeth.
- 42% of children (ages 2 to 11) have had cavities in their baby teeth.
- 47-71% of adults have periodontal (gum) disease.
Although those numbers make dental disease sound nearly unavoidable, the truth is quite the opposite. The good news is: dental cavities and gum disease are completely avoidable! "Conventional" dentistry might accept the sad statistics above and simply treat them. But biological dentistry strives to correct them. These dental conditions can and MUST be reversed.
As someone who’s personal passion is health and knowledge, it’s my mission to provide the information and tools you need to achieve your health goals. That is what you can expect at your first appointment: a dentist generous with his time and interested in helping you. We think you’ll love it and come out smiling :) We look forward to meeting you and for the opportunity to help you start a very rewarding journey.
Healthy Body
It’s all connected. Health is one big circle — because inflammation in one location is inflammation everywhere. Toxins anywhere cause damage everywhere.
In the last 50 years or so, the drive behind dental technology has been great for advancing the field. From lasers to 3D printed crowns, wow! However, that drive can lead to an industry hindered by "tunnel-vision" and, dare I say, profits. As a result, the dramatic impact teeth can have on systemic health often gets overlooked.
It's true that in recent decades more attention has been given to the connection between gum disease and diabetes or heart disease. But, this awareness is superficial at best. Gum disease and cavities are a systemic problem. They are not just localized or compartmentalized. But this is how the industry has treated them. The truth is that they are a system-wide, whole health problem dependent on many factors such as nutrition and metabolism.
I believe it's due time for a biological / holistic revolution in dentistry and overall health. For example, the industry still claims amalgam (mercury) fillings are safe despite overwhelming and concrete evidence to the contrary. The industry promotes fluoride as a way to fight tooth decay. The entire idea that supports using fluoride is fundamentally flawed! It's time to go beyond what the industry promotes. It's time to use real science, not politics, to make decisions. With truthful information, the toxic aspects of conventional dentistry are revealed and can be avoided.
Holistic dentistry is not new. But there are only a handful in this country — outnumbered about 500 to 1 by conventional dentists. Luckily the trend is growing, albeit slowly.
In my life, my approach has always been holistic, and now my career focus is biological dentistry. Beyond family time, my remaining free time goes to learning and implementing techniques that make dentistry safer and healthier not only for you and all my patients, but for myself, my family, my staff, and the environment too. The techniques used in my office are science-based and proven. This is the defining hallmark of biological dentistry -- a science-backed, alternative, health-driven approach to dentistry and life. This is what dentistry should have been.