• Resources

    Learn more about holistic health from online groups, books, and videos.



Facebook groups can be a very effective and efficient place to learn. Some people may prefer to avoid Facebook due to privacy, political, or other issues, but there are some very important resources on Facebook that currently have no alternatives. Unfortunately censorship has become a major issue for health-related information online.  One way to get around the censorship is to read the information quickly, before it's removed.  FB sometimes takes a few hours or even a day before discovering health information and censoring it.  As their surveillance efficiency improves, FB will become less and less useful.  But for now, learning to use Facebook safely and wisely can open up avenues for much deeper health journeys.

NICO - learn more about root canals, implants, cavitations and more. This group has some very experienced, intelligent, and educated viewpoints in it.

Andy Cutler Chelation - learn more about how to detox from mercury exposure and what supplements help the most. This is a highly active, very populated group with some very knowledgable people willing to help with issues such as silver-amalgam fillings, metal toxicity symptoms, and support for the liver and kidneys during detox. Also there is a VERY IMPORTANT "do not do" list in the files for those who have amalgam fillings or other metal toxicity.

Mercury Chelation - devoted to openly discussing options, including OSR/NBMI.  The Facebook group was archived in March 2022 and restarted here on MeWe.

NBMI / Emeramide / OSR - Boyd Haley's chelator might be the ideal mercury chelator. Learn how to use it and where to get it.

Heavy Metal Chelation - a newer Facebook group devoted to chelating heavy metals.

Cure Tooth Decay - Based on Weston Price's contributions to holistic knowledge, in this group you can learn more about cavities and how to prevent and heal them.

There are many more such as groups about the thyroid, about boron, iodine, vitamin D (why you shouldn't supplement!), parasite treatment, and more.  The above groups are "closed" which means you just need to request to join and answer a few questions. Facebook also has some "secret" groups which are not listed. You can only join by special invitation. By making some contacts, you can dive even deeper into some of these.


Fortunately we have some very insightful people willing and able to make critical contributions to the holistic cause by publicly sharing their experiences and knowledge. These books are my absolute favorites and most important literary discoveries I have made that dramatically changed my outlook on patient care and health in general. All these recommended books are easy to read, written in engaging and plain language.

Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox -- by Kate Rheaume-Bleue. This book contains possibly the most important life-saving information I've ever encountered. It is extremely well-written, easy to understand, organized, and even entertaining. It is specific enough all while providing the big picture. It kept me captivated and engaged the entire time. Vitamin K2 may very well be the most important vitamin of all. It is supremely important in dental health, heart health, and more.

Hidden Epidemic -- by Thomas Levy. A science suspense novel? I couldn't wait to see what he was going to say on the next page. This doctor provides scientific knowledge and extrapolated theories which may be the most important life-saving information dentists are lacking regarding root canals, infections, cavitations, even tonsils and sinuses. I would strongly recommend every single dentist to read this and any person who wants to understand the impact root canals and other infections may have on cancer, heart disease, and more.  (Free ebook.)

Dirty Genes -- by Dr. Ben Lynch.  A great journey into understanding genetics.  Learn how to manage and fine tune the effects your genes have on everything from detox to anxiety to energy.


For condensed learning videos can be a great time saver. These are my favorites, but I would also recommend watching all the videos available by these authors:

Bad Bugs - by David Kennedy (30 minutes). The connection between oral health and overall health is demonstrated in entertaining detail.

Recipe for Oral Health - by David Kennedy (7 minutes). How to use iodine and a waterpik to keep teeth and gums healthy.

Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas - by David Kennedy (8 minutes). See what mercury in silver fillings is actually doing.

Water Fluoridation is a CRIME - by David Kennedy (18 minutes). Understanding fluoridation is important to our health and our children's health.

The Root Cause -- (1:15) movie / documentary that reveals holistic viewpoints on root canal treated teeth. (movie here)

The Great Culling - Our Water Documentary Film - (92 minutes). Learn the truth about fluoride.

Fluoride Does Not Reduce Tooth Decay-But THIS Does! - Interview with David Kennedy (7 minutes). How iodine is much healthier, safer, and more effective than fluoride.

Biocompatible Periodontal Control - Lecture by David Kennedy (28 minutes). A scientific approach to gum disease treatment.

An Inconvenient Tooth - Fluoride Documentary (3 hours). Important viewpoints on fluoride.

Vitamin K2 - Interview with Kiran Krishnan (47 minutes). How to cure cavities.

Vaccines - The Irrefutable Argument Against Vaccine Safety, with Del Bigtree (95 minutes). Because we want our children to be safe and healthy.

Categories: Resources
