Delta Dental Insurance

what happened on 1/1/2023

Delta made an unprecedented policy change by slashing reimbursement rates by as much as 50-90% for routine services.

Hi everyone. It's Dr. Gazarian here. I'd like to take a moment to share some important information directly with you and all my patients here at Studio Dental Arts. Specifically, I'd like to update you on a policy change made by Delta Dental insurance. On January 1st, 2023, Delta announced a drastic reduction of reimbursement rates by as much as 50-90% for many common procedures. This sudden and extreme change has prompted us in turn to change our status with Delta.

As you know, we pride ourselves on the ability to offer thorough and educational, one hour hygiene appointments with top-tier hygienists devoted to enhancing your oral health with access to natural remedies such as iodine and ozone. Typically, offices rush thru the hygiene appointment, offering perhaps 30 minutes of appointment time, perhaps with a non-licensed assistant who performs some or even all of the procedure. At Studio Dental Arts, we've never cut corners, and never will. It is our mission and pleasure to offer the absolute best quality of care for the most affordable prices.

Placing high-value care over high-volume care is a legacy we intend to uphold. To do so, we have made the decision to cancel our contract with Delta. This was an incredibly difficult decision and not one we took lightly. The primary reason for this change is that the insurance industry, specifically Delta, negatively affects the quality of dental care with their contracts. Your health is our paramount goal, and we do not wish for the insurance industry to have a seat at the table when planning your dental care. By not directly contracting with Delta, we can provide you with truly personalized care, using the best-trained team and the highest quality equipment and biocompatible materials that you are used to receving here at our practice, all while keeping fees low and discounted.

Many dental plans tell customers they will be covered at 80 to 100%. However most plans cover between 10 and 40% of average dental fees. Some plans pay more, some pay less. Delta was previously a reasonable plan, but as of 1/1/23, has one of the lowest reimbursement rates of all. In general, the less the employer pays for the plan you have, the less of a benefit you get.

Now, what will the process be like moving forward in 2023 and beyond? Well first know that we will still be accepting your dental plan, and we will work to get you all the benefits your insurance company allows. I would like to stress you can still come to our practice whether you have Delta or any other PPO plan and take advantage of your benefits. We want you to remain a patient of our practice and we will do everything possible to make this transition a smooth one.

The biggest difference for you will be that at the time of your services, you will be responsible for the fee on the day of service in full. However we will immediately process the needed paperwork to file your claim with your insurance provider. We have an excellent team already in place that knows the ins and outs of all the paperwork, so you will not need to bear this responsibility. And we will mail and submit the claim on your behalf.

Delta typically takes about 2-3 weeks and sends your reimbursement check directly to you. We will prepare an accurate claim that insures you are reimbursed in a timely manner. I know this seems like a big change, but what this will mean to you is an absolute commitment to the highest quality of biological dentistry possible. We will continue to provide the most biocompatible materials for your dental work, the best dental labs, and the best trained team with up-to-date knowledge, without any compromises.

How can you prepare for this change? We have a treatment coordinator who can give you estimates in advance of each appt. This way you can be ready for the treatment fee and know what to expect with the reimbursement. If your employer has provided a high quality plan, the reimbursement will be close to our fees. If your employer has chosen a cheaper plan, the reimbursement rates may match a smaller portion of our fees. I know this may sound discouraging, but before you get too discouraged, please note that the person that has the most influence over the quality of the plan you receive is your HR department, specifically the person who purchases the insurance plans.

Lastly I just want to reiterate that you can still remain a part of our practice even with your current Delta plan or other PPO plan, and you can still use those benefits that your dental insurance policy provides here at SDA. One tip moving forward, Delta may send you confusing information that makes it seem like you need to find a new dentist. But let me be clear, you do not need to find a new dentist. Again, you can still use your Delta dental plan at our office, and you can still remain a patient of our practice.

I value you as a patient very much and we're going to work hard to get you those benefits that are within your plan. Please do not hesitate to contact our office for any follow-up questions that you may have on this transition. We are here to help put any worries to rest. I want to thank you for your continued trust and for letting me and my team here at SDA take care of all your dental needs. Be well and we look forward to seeing you at your next dental visit. Thank you.