Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique
Silver / amalgam fillings are appropriately also called mercury fillings because their predominant ingredient is in fact mercury. These fillings are frequently replaced for a variety of functional reasons such as cracking, chipping, or leaking. Cosmetic concerns are a common reason to change them too. But most importantly, in alternative dentistry, mercury amalgam fillings are removed for health reasons.
It's sometimes hard to feel supported on your health journey when the FDA, the ADA, your old dentist, all their colleagues, your doctor, and all our prestigious dental and medical schools claim that the mercury in these fillings poses little risk. However millions of people worldwide have discovered serious negative patterns in their health that they attribute to mercury from silver fillings. The dichotomy in dentistry is so bad that confessing that you believe your fillings are causing rheumatoid arthritis for example is often met with ridicule and even an insulting referral to a psychologist.
The truth is there is an enormous amount of scientific data which clearly demonstrates the harm caused by mercury to the human body. Examples range from eye floaters to high blood pressure, and from diabetes to cancer. The list is long, not well-known, and sometimes esoteric. Also since every person is affected differently, it's sometimes hard to recognize correlations. And finally since tests for mercury are flawed, toxic symptoms are often dismissed as coincidence or even psychosomatic.
You're at a point on your health journey where you realize that in order to progress, you must remove these sources of mercury from your mouth. But you may have also heard that removing them is potentially dangerous and may be worse than keeping them in. Well, it depends on how it's done.
Removing them carelessly does indeed release extremely hazardous amounts of mercury vapors and particles causing dangerous exposure for all nearby. Unfortunately, dentists are taught to just drill these fillings out without realizing the damage they're doing to themselves and their patients. Luckily there's a safe solution. The SMART protocol was designed to address this problem by protecting patients and healthcare providers from mercury exposure during filling removal. The protocol includes numerous engineering controls designed to mitigate each potential route of exposure such as inhalation of mercury vapors or particles, ingestion of mercury particles, contamination of clothes and hair, and more.
SMART-certification is a process of education, training, and testing to assure the safe protocol is being carefully applied. If you have silver-amalgam fillings, it is critical that you see a SMART-certified dentist for removal. Never allow anyone you know to have amalgam fillings carelessly removed the conventional way.
Make sure to watch beyond the 59 second mark for a stunning visual of what happens during careless removal:

SMART Procedures
- Dedicated separate rooms and separate instruments for amalgam removal and for filling placement.
- Full body coverage with mercury-impervious Tyvek suits for everyone.
- Latex-free, mercury-impervious rubber dam to isolate the toxic tooth from the rest of the mouth and GI system.
- Rubber dam sealant to ensure leak-free isolation.
- Mercury-absorbant paste used to coat the rubber dam to trap any loose mercury particles.
- Nasal hood with medical-grade air to prevent inhalation of potential hazardous vapors.
- Face, eye, and hand coverings in addition to the head-to-toe suit.
- Mid-procedure digital bitewing X-rays to ensure speck-free results.
- Biocompatible, BPA-free Admira Fusion fillings or ceramic restorations.
- Ozone to heal, desensitize, and mineralize the inner surface of the tooth in addition to soothing nerves and helping prevent recurrent decay.
- Charcoal mouthwash before and after.
- Dual high-volume mercury-filtering at-source vacuums.
- Water-cooled and high-speed dental suction for filling removal.
- A saliva ejector under the rubber dam for comfort and safety.
- Mercury absorbant wipes to clean and mop.
- Strict protocols.
- Mercury detox guidance.
- and more!
Full Protection
We hate mercury very much and do everything we can to avoid exposure for ourselves, you, the office, the next patient, and the environment.
Feel free to ask about any details or bring up any concerns you have. Removing amalgam fillings safely has been the bulk of our work for years, so the protocol we implement is well-refined.
Replacing silver amalgam fillings is one of the most important parts of your biological journey. We're here to make it safe and easy and to guide you by answering the many questions about mercury detox that have remained a mystery for so long.